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Mount Meeru Trecking

Mount Meru Trecking

There is nothing comparable on this planet than a Safari in Tanzania.


Mount Meru is a dormant stratovolcano located 70 kilometres (43 mi) west of Mount Kilimanjaro in the nation of Tanzania. At a height of 4,562.13 metres (14,968 ft), it is visible from Mt Kilimanjaro on a clear day, and is the fifth highest mountain in Africa. Mount Meru is located just north of the city of Arusha, in the Arusha Region of Tanzania. It is the second-highest mountain in Tanzania, after Mount Kilimanjaro. The Momella route - which starts at Momella gate, on the eastern side of the mountain - is used to climb Mount Meru. Much of its bulk was lost about 8,000 years ago due to an eastward volcanic blast, similar to the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in the U.S. state of Washington. Mount Meru most recently had a minor eruption in 1910.The several small cones and craters seen in the vicinity probably reflect numerous episodes of volcanic activity. Mount Meru is the topographic centerpiece of Arusha National Park. Its fertile slopes rise above the surrounding savanna and support a forest that hosts diverse wildlife, including nearly 400 species of birds, and also monkeys and leopards.

    Arrival in Moshi has to be before 1:00 pm and from 3:00pm there will be a session of choosing/fitting the climbing gear. After everyone has managed to get the climbing gear, there will be a briefing session regarding the climb at 06:00pm followed by an overnight in Moshi.

    Have breakfast at the hotel, then drive to Arusha National Park.This is where the registration will be done and lunch served before starting the climb to Miriakamba Hut (2500 AMSL). Dinner and overnight stay will be at Miriakamba Hut.

After breakfast, we leave Mariakamba Hut and continue ascending to Saddle Hut (3500 AMSL). Upon arrival, there will be lunch and after resting for a bit, there will be a hike to little Meru (3820 AMSL) to help you with acclimatization. Dinner and overnight stay will be at Saddle Hut. Saddle Hut is where we will prepare for the summit day and it is also the place that you can view Mountain Kilimanjaro when you climb Little Meru.

Very early in the morning (2300 hours), you will start the ascent to the summit towards Rhino Point and later proceed to Meru peak, which is the highest point on Mount Meru. After summiting, you will begin our descent to Saddle Hut for a quick meal and a rest and later continue with descending to Miriakamba hut for dinner and an overnight stay.

After breakfast, we continue the descent down to the Arusha National Park gate to receive your summit certificates. From the gate, you will continue with a drive back to Moshi town for an overnight stay.

Have breakfast at the hotel, then check out before 10:00 am for departure to our personal destinations.

Mount Meru Trecking

Ufana Safari

Mount Meru

Ufana Safari

Mount Meru

Ufana Safari

Mount Meru

Ufana Safari

Mount Meru

Ufana Safari

Mount Meru

Ufana Safari

mount Meru