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Serengeti Great Wildebeests Migration is the world’s greatest wildlife spectacle movement remaining on earth. Every year, the vast herds of wildebeest embark on a long-distance migration that coincide with the annual rain fall patterns and grass growth !


Following the short rainy season in November, the herds of wildebeest arrive to the short-grass plains of the Serengeti around November. The short-grass plains are located in the area east and south of the Seronera, around Ndutu and the northern Ngorongoro Conservation area. Herds of wildebeest and zebra can be seen across these plains as they feed on grasses which have high nutritional value. Also predators are following the migration for having easy prey.

The Great Wildebeest Calving Migration- Recommended in January to March

The Great Wildebeest Calving Migration Safari has been designed specifically to focus on following the Great Serengeti Wildebeest migration during calving. The areas to be covered are Lake Ndutu area, as well as the Southern and Central areas of Serengeti National Park where majority of the wildebeest are usually found. A visit to the world famous Ngorongoro Crater is part of this safari as well. During a short time frame around February, normally lasting for about 3 weeks, the majority of the wildebeest calve. The sea of grass provides security for the young calves although they are easy prey. Wildebeest calves can run minutes after they are born and within 3 days they are normally strong enough to keep up with the herd. Predator action is at its peak with great sightings of cheetah, lion, hyena and leopard and a very good chance to see adrenalin packed kills.

The wildebeest migration river crossing- recommended July to September

The wildebeest migration river crossing beginning July to September, in this season the great wildebeest migration is in the northern Serengeti the area known as Kogatende along Mara River which is acting as the border between Serengeti and Maasai Mara Game reserve which located in Kenya. The calendar of Migration is strictly depending on the rain season as the wildebeest attracted by the fresh growing grasses after rain which are best in nutritional value for them. In this period the northern Serengeti is the only area which Wildebeest migration can be sported with distinctive feature of river crossing. Enjoy this magnificent moments with professional and skilled guide from Tanz-Africa Adventures

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